There are many strategies you can use to earn more money from your freelance writing, but in the end, you really need to learn to get more done in less time. Being more productive will really boost your income potential.
Having recognized this a while ago, I'm in constant search of the latest and greatest tool for time management, project management, and office organization. Yes, I'm an organization junkie.
Well, today I heard about a webinar that Office Depot held in February about a five-day makeover plan for your office, so I listened in. There are some good basic tips for getting and staying organized, and you can jump from topic to topic if you get bored, so if you have 45 minutes or so, consider tuning in at
For me it was a good refresher and a reminder that putting everything (back) in its place will help me reach my income goals faster.
Tuesday, May 8, 2007
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